Monday, August 20, 2012

Start the Morning with a Routine Chart

August marks the end of the summer and beginning of the school year for many families.  If your little one is starting preschool, kindergarten or higher grades, creating a morning routine will help your child prepare for their school or daycare day.
Morning routine activities are a great way for children to learn independence, self help skills and self pacing.  Unfortunately, coupled with this great learning opportunity, is the adult’s need to be on time.  If parent and child are not prepared, morning time can become very stressful for both parties involved.  In order to start your day off on the right foot, plan out a morning routine that is right for your family.
Decide what tasks you want your child to accomplish and make a morning routine chart.  Above is a usable chart that fits the criteria for many on-the-go families, but you may want to add: Clear the breakfast dishes, feed the dog or say family prayer.  
       Many young children who haven’t learned to read yet can follow a picture chart on their own.  This will encourage your young one to get ready at an appropriate, yet self paced time frame.     The KinderJam chart is simple enough for a preschooler, yet is relevant to a senior in high school.  Give your children about a week to learn how to use the chart, and your mornings should flow much smoother.
Still having trouble getting out the door on time?  Add and expected number of minutes each task on the chart should take and provide your child with a digital kitchen timer.  Tell her to race the clock and get done each task before the timer beeps.  Be sure to give your child a big hand clap and an even bigger Woo-Hoo when she’s all done.

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