Tuesday, September 4, 2012

BabyWearing in KinderJam

Everywhere I go, more and more parents are using baby carriers; at the grocery store, at the playground, even during KinderJam classes. Especially for parents of more than one child, carriers help mom or dad keep up with their toddler or preschooler while still tending to the needs of baby. The use of Baby Carriers, or “Baby Wearing” has been making parent's lives easier for generations, and is making a triumphant return to mainstream America.  

There are many benefits to Baby Wearing.  Strollers can be clumsy, especially if you live in a city or frequent rough terrain areas like cross country hiking or the beach.  Many babies enjoy being held, however this can cause muscle fatigue for parents.  Although your oldest may love her baby sister, toddlers do not always have an appropriate sense of safety, making mommy or daddy's arms the safest spot in the house for baby.  There is research that suggests Baby Wearing supports bonding between parent and baby, and that small infants will feel more comfortable closer to Mommy’s heart beat during the first few month of life.

A google search for Baby Wearing, or Baby Carriers, will lend an overwhelming amount of information, both mainstream and not so mainstream.  Some sites are so dedicated to Baby Wearing, they leave the average parent feeling guilty for owning a stroller at all.  There is also an eclectic collection of baby carriers on the market, ranging in price, weight restriction and ways to hold baby.  

If you are new to carriers or the concept of Baby Wearing, check out BabyWearing International as a good resource to help you find the carrier that is right for you.  This information should help explain why some carriers are so much more expensive than others, why some carriers can be used on the front and back, and help you decide what types are best for you. 

 For instance, consider the simple diagram above when selecting a carrier to maximize your child's comfort and support.  As you can see, the carrier on the right supports baby's hips, simulating the "sitting on hips" position that many parents use naturally.  The carrier on the left, may be less expensive, but will not be as comfortable for baby,  diminishing your caring experience and may increase fussiness in baby.

If you choose BabyWearing or just holding your baby in arms, be sure to enjoy this time you have with your little one.  Give as many smiles and kisses as you can because soon enough he will be Jammin on his own!

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